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Fontainebleau, Miami FL

Second Annual Shades of Mass Conference

September 21 - 23, 2023
Fontainebleau Miami Beach | Miami, FL

Shades of Mass Conference

We are excited to host the second annual Shades of Mass Conference on September 21 – 23, 2023 at the
Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Miami, FL.
Please join in supporting representative leadership in cases of national significance.
The conference includes:

  • Key CLE programming
  • Opportunities to network
  • Renown Keynote Speakers

Sponsorship Program

Diversity Champion – $40,000
  • 5 staff or guests
  • Special recognition during Saturday night dinner
  • Sponsor listing on Shades of Mass website
  • Mention in media releases
  • Opportunity to Meet and Greet our Founders
  • Distinguished logo on each attendant’s badge
  • Shades of Mass badge for your website
  • Special Recognition on Event Program
  • Networking materials
  • Networking
Pioneer of Justice – $20,000
  • 3 staff or guests
  • Shades of Mass badge for your website
  • Sponsor listing on Shades of Mass Website
  • Special Recognition on Event Program
  • Distinguished logo on each attendant’s badge
  • Networking
Inclusion Ambassador – $10,000
  • 2 staff or guests
  • Shades of Mass badge for your website
  • Sponsor listing on Shades of Mass Website
  • Special Recognition in Event Materials
  • Networking
Advocate of Equality – $5,000
  • Shades of Mass badge for your website
  • Networking

About Us

It’s time for attorneys who truly represent the communities disproportionately affected by corporations’ wrongful conduct to advocate for and get appointed to lead and co-lead counsel roles in litigations seeking justice for our communities.

Our Mission

Shades of Mass seeks to increase diversity in MDL leadership through mentorship, advocacy, networking and education.
Our founders share the ultimate goal to provide opportunities and advantages to qualified attorneys of color.

The Founding Board

Diandra Fu Debrosse Zimmerman Co-Founder

Diandra "Fu" Debrosse Zimmermann

Ben Crump Co-Founder

Ben Crump

Larry Taylor Executive Board Member

Larry Taylor

Greg Cade Executive Board Member

Gregory Cade

LaRuby May Executive Board Member

LaRuby Z. May

Navan Ward Executive Board Member

Navan Ward Jr.