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Conference Agenda Draft #2

Miami Florida

Second Annual Shades of Mass Conference

September 21-23, 2023
Fontainebleau Miami Beach | Miami, FL

2023 Program

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Please check back frequently as we continue to update the agenda.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Location: Arcadia Pool Deck
Location: Glimmer Ballroom

Location: Glimmer Ballroom

Environmental Mass Torts:
An Overview of AFFF and Emerging Cases

Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)—a type firefighting foam commonly used at airports, military bases, and industrial facilities—often contains harmful chemicals that have been linked to various health problems, including cancer, thyroid disease, and reproductive issues.  This session examines several lawsuits filed in recent years against manufacturers and users of AFFF and explores the emerging legal landscape of environmental mass torts and the legal challenges posed by environmental contamination.


  • Rob Bilott, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
  • Greg Cade, Environmental Litigation Group, P.C.
  • Dan Flynn, DiCello Levitt LLP
  • Shreedhar R. Patel, Simon Greenstone Panatier

The Business of Mass Torts:
Building Your Practice Infrastructure

Join us in discovering the business side of mass torts and learn how to position yourself for success in this thriving legal arena. Through practical insights, expert guidance, and interactive discussions, this session will explore the fundamental building blocks required to establish a successful mass tort practice and supply attendees with the tools and comprehensive understanding needed to excel in this dynamic field.


  • Darren A. Miller, D. Miller & Associates
  • Chris Stewart, Stewart Miller Simmons
  • Larry Taylor, The Cochran Firm

Mass Tort Update I:
Paraquat, NEC, Tepezza, Social Media, Camp Lejeune, and Boy Scouts Sex Abuse    

This session offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in mass tort cases. By keeping abreast of these developments, challenges, and emerging trends, attendees will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of these evolving legal landscapes.


  • LaRuby May, May Jung
  • Jose Rojas, Levin, Rojas, Camassar & Reck LLC
  • Carl Solomon, The Solomon Law Group
  • Previn Warren, Motley Rice

Financing Your Practice:
First Black Woman-Owned Litigation Fund

Whether you are just starting or looking to expand your firm, this session will provide the information you need to make informed financial decisions.  Crystal Utley, CEO of Bespoke Capital Consulting, will share her insights and advice on financing a law firm and the secrets to her success in creating the first Black woman-owned litigation fund. She will also share the unique challenges and considerations for minority-owned practices to obtain financing. This is a valuable opportunity to learn about different financing options and how to choose the right one for your firm.  


  • Crystal Utley, Founder and CEO of Bespoke Capital Consulting

The Science:
What You Need to Know

This session will explore the realm where law and science intersect in mass tort litigation. Learn how to integrate scientific principles, expert testimony, and empirical evidence into legal strategies. Examine how scientific evidence informs case strategies, strengthens arguments, and influences judicial decisions. By gaining essential insights into the scientific aspects of cases, attendees will be equipped to craft persuasive arguments, leverage expert testimony, and navigate the complexities of mass tort litigation. Don’t miss this opportunity to bridge the gap between law and science and enhance your mass tort practice.


  • Khaldoun Baghdadi, Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger
  • Je Yon Jung, May Jung
Case Acquisition:
All You Need to Know

This session will provide information and resources for lawyers, law firm owners, and anyone interested in obtaining cases for mass torts. Speakers will present on the unique set of challenges in mass torts litigation and offer valuable guidance about finding, managing, and maintaining these types of cases.


  • Andy Rogers, Vice President, Shield Legal, Presenting Sponsor
Public Justice and Awards Presentation
Moderator: Professor Deleso A. Alford, Rachel Emanuel Endowed Professor at Southern University Law Center.
  • Ben Crump, Ben Crump Law
  • Chris Ayers, Seeger Weiss
  • Caprice L. Roberts, J.Y. Sanders Professorship, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research; Professor of Law, LSU
Location: Glimmer Ballroom

It’s Time for Settlement

Explore the unique dynamics of mass tort settlement administration, including how your clients get paid and how liens are resolved, among other crucial items.


  • Moderator – Kimberly Perkins, Bader Scott
  • Fernandez Anderson, Flow Claims Administration
  • Brooke Hodge, P&N

Nuts and Bolts Part II:
Jurisdiction, Bellwethers, and Discovery Battles—The Work

Delve into the labyrinth of jurisdictional challenges that arise in mass tort litigation. Learn about the crucial role of bellwether cases, and explore how these representative cases set the tone for litigation strategies, negotiations, and potential settlements. Attendees will learn how to unpack the processes that underpin discovery battles in mass tort litigation. Speakers will present case studies, provide expert insights, and engage in interactive discussions, where attendees can examine the core elements that define the landscape of mass tort litigation.


  • Maria Flemings, Napoli Shkolnik
  • Navan Ward, Beasley All


This informative and dynamic session will shed light on the latest developments in a diverse range of mass tort cases. Through case updates, expert analyses, and interactive discussions, attendees will gain insights into the current status of several pending mass tort cases, and understand how these developments impact legal strategies and future trends.


  • Ron Austin, Ron Austin Law
  • Maria Fleming, Napoli Shkolnik
  • Kristen Gibbons Feden, Saltz Mongeluzzi Bendesky
  • Juan Martinez, Morgan & Morgan
  • Diandra “Fu” Debrosse Zimmermann, DiCello Levitt LLP

Immerse yourself in complex litigation to deepen your understanding of class actions, automotive, and securities multidistrict litigations (MDLs). Engage in a comparative analysis of class action, auto, and securities MDLs, and examine how each type of litigation operates, the legal standards they adhere to, and the key factors that contribute to their resolution. Learn from experienced lawyers as you traverse these three pivotal areas of litigation, shedding light on the nuances, challenges, and strategic approaches in this complex litigation.


  • Khaldoun Baghdadi, Walkup Melodia Kelly & Schoenberger
  • Marlon Kimpson, Motley Rice
  • Phong-Chau G. Nguyen, Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein LLP
  • Sabita Soneji, Tycko & Zavareei

Diversity in the Defense Bar:
Knowing the Other Side

This thought-provoking session explores the invaluable role of diversity within the defense bar, highlighting the power of understanding and collaboration. Discover the thought processes, challenges, and strategies that defense attorneys employ. Embrace the power of empathy and mutual understanding. Attendees will learn to embrace diversity as a powerful tool for growth and transformation within their practice. By acknowledging and learning from the “other side,” a stronger and more empathetic legal community can emerge and unite in the pursuit of justice.


  • Ricardo Woods, Burr & Forman

Ethical Challenges in Mass Torts

Ethical considerations play a pivotal role in shaping the pursuit of justice. Dive into the multifaceted ethical challenges that arise in the context of mass tort cases. By considering real-world scenarios and engaging in thought-provoking discussions, attendees will examine how to negotiate these challenges while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. Panelists will discuss the role of legal organizations in promoting ethical behavior within the legal community, and attendees will gain the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the complex moral landscape of mass torts.


Location: Glimmer Ballroom
Featured Entertainer: Flo Rida 
Location: Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Glimmer Ballroom

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Location: Arcadia Pool Deck

Location: Glimmer Ballroom

Keynote Speaker:

  • Lisa Holder,  Equal Justice Society – Reparations – A Legal History and Current Developments

Gain unparalleled insights into MDLs from judges who preside over these complex cases. This unique opportunity will offer practical tips and best practices for lawyers navigating the MDL landscape. Understand how to effectively present cases before MDL judges, maximize collaboration, and leverage the court’s guidance. Explore the intricate dynamics, challenges, and strategies involved in managing and adjudicating MDL cases directly from the individuals who shape this complex form of litigation.


  • Facilitator: The Honorable Randa Trapp, JAMS
  • The Honorable Darrin P. Gayles, Southern District of Florida
  • The Honorable Winifred Smith (Ret.), Oakland – Alameda Count
Location: Glimmer Ballroom
ESI and AI:
What You Need to Know

The future is here! Discover how and electronically stored information (ESI) and artificial intelligence (AI) impact every aspect of your mass tort cases, from initial intake to final disposition. Examine the ethical dimensions of incorporating ESI and AI technologies in mass tort litigation and delve into the dynamic synergy between ESI and AI, showcasing how these technologies revolutionize the discovery process, case analysis, and decision-making in mass torts. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential these tools offer to enhance efficiency and accuracy in complex litigation and potential developments in the use of this innovative technology.


  • Mark M. Abramowitz, DiCello Levitt LLP
  • Sri Gupta, International Litigation Services
Litigating Mass Tort Cases in State Court

Unlock the keys to mass tort litigation at the state level. Discover the distinct attributes of litigating mass tort cases in state courts, including procedural variations, jurisdictional challenges, and the impact of state-specific laws on case strategies, as well as the interplay between state cases and MDL proceedings. Gain essential insights, tactics, and best practices from lawyers who have successfully maneuvered through the obstacles unique to state court settings. This is your opportunity to engage with seasoned professionals, broaden your skill set, and position yourself to excel in state court.


  • Chelsie Green, Levin Papantonio, Rafferty, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A.
  • CK Hoffler, CK Hoffler Firm
  • Priscilla Jimenez, Kline & Specter, P.C.
  • William H. “Billy” Murphy, Jr, Murphy, Falcon & Murphy

Location: Glimmer Ballroom

Location: Glimmer Ballroom

This session offers a gateway to MDL leadership, empowering legal professionals with the knowledge, strategies, and mindset required to expertly guide complex cases to successful outcomes. Speakers will provide an essential introduction to the path to MDL leadership. The session is designed for legal practitioners aspiring to play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of complex cases. Through insights from experienced leaders, attendees will better understand the responsibilities, strategies, and qualities that define effective MDL leadership.


  • Courtney French, Petway, French & Ford

Sunday, September 24, 2023